
Meditation, Sales, and The Field

  by Svemir Vranko I was invited to present meditation and visualization techniques to help improve an international sales team of Croatian, American, and Canadian digital nomads who found their way to work together in a software promotion company in the mellow destination of Croatia. Their work is to present, help with testing, and close the sales process of work-related software. At the beginning of this article, I apologize to you, dear Reader, for overcomplicating the explanation of the subject. In the introduction of our meeting, I said that they met at the moment of their lives in the same space and time to work on a common project. Still, , in the sense of life purpose, every one of them has an unlimited sky of a different color as they come from various backgrounds and their lives might have different trajectories in the future. Meditation and visualization as a mental tool could help them discover their bigger color tone which is in sync with their life purpose and at the same

Discovering Oversouler Meditation

Oversouler Meditation bliss generated with Dall-E Circle of friends Last Sunday I was invited to the city of Koprivnica, Croatia to hold a course on Oversouler Meditation (OM) — my contribution to the practice of yoga & meditation based on my over 500 hours of training and 20+ years of experience in the field of inner exploration arts. OM is a three-part meditation practice that includes breathing, focusing on the mantra and just being. My friend gathered a group of eight people, some of them had prior experience in meditation and some were totally beginners. During 2 hour workshop I tried to introduce them to the art of meditation. East meets West I started by explaining the difference between Western and Eastern approaches to meditation. In Western thought, meditation is presented with the idea of pondering about some subject with intense concentration, and in the Eastern concept of meditation that would be just the beginning called in Yoga  dharana  — concentration. Prolonged co

Because I love myself

Welcome to another Oversouler Meditation Course which will be held on April 19, 7-9pm CET (Berlin, Zagreb, Dubrovnik) If you would like to learn this efficient meditation technique made of three times 7min parts (21min) please join me for this Course. Registration: The course will be held in Zagreb, Croatia and over Zoom platform. Namaste, Svem Founder @ Oversouler Meditation 

Learn how to meditate - the Oversouler Meditation Course, March 21 - 24, 2024

Proper relaxation, rest, and meditation are   key to a productive and healthy life. While needing 7-9 hours of sleep daily is essential for rest and revitalization of our bodies and minds, meditation brings more awareness into our waking state and opens up to more creativity, energy, stress resistance and immunity.  Also, with deeper conscious relaxation our muscles are resetting to their original state of good muscular tonus which relaxes our face too and brings out our innate radiant beauty. The effects of regular practice of meditation are like a fountain of youthfulness which decompresses over time and helps us live healthier, happier, and more energetic lives based on grace and thankfulness.  Within the Oversouler Meditation (OM) Course, you will have a chance to find the most suitable mantra for meditation based on your average age based on three factors. Mantra is helping you to replace a stream of thoughts with a single word without meaning. In this course, you will learn how t


                             ZERTIFIZIERTE HOLISTISCH COACH-AUSBILDUNG mit  ICF accreditation  by Radiant Coaches Academy - USA Coaching Study - Generated with AI Coaching Ausbildung Leiter: Svemir Vranko mag. edu. und Radinat Coaches Academy Quest online  Kontakt: Ich lade Sie ein, an der Online-Ausbildung zum zertifizierten ganzheitlichen Coach in Kroatisch/Englisch teilzunehmen, die ich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Radiant Coaches Academy aus USA, Florida leite. Die Schulung umfasst insgesamt 125 Stunden (Live-Zoom-Kurse, Online-Selbstlernplattform, Praktika) für PCC Zertifikation bei ICF und Sie können jederzeit einsteigen und in Ihrem eigenen Tempo Fortschritte machen. Das Zertifikat wird von der International Coaching Federation (ICF) anerkannt, die weltweit als Goldstandard für professionelles Coaching gilt. Erfüllen Sie Ihren Lebenszweck, indem Sie anderen helfen. Warum sich für eine Schulung anmelden: • Sie sind von Natur aus einfühlsam und unterstützen o