Meditation, Sales, and The Field

 by Svemir Vranko

I was invited to present meditation and visualization techniques to help improve an international sales team of Croatian, American, and Canadian digital nomads who found their way to work together in a software promotion company in the mellow destination of Croatia. Their work is to present, help with testing, and close the sales process of work-related software.

At the beginning of this article, I apologize to you, dear Reader, for overcomplicating the explanation of the subject.

In the introduction of our meeting, I said that they met at the moment of their lives in the same space and time to work on a common project. Still, , in the sense of life purpose, every one of them has an unlimited sky of a different color as they come from various backgrounds and their lives might have different trajectories in the future.

Meditation and visualization as a mental tool could help them discover their bigger color tone which is in sync with their life purpose and at the same time help them achieve their present quarterly sales goals for the company they work for.

Photography by Author

Meditation and action

Meditation is a natural consequence of activity. The more active, moving, raising your heart beats while walking, working, swimming, biking, or running the more natural is for the body to relax afterward in this alkaline, body-oxygenated atmosphere. And then the silencing of our brain activity follows.

A peaceful mind is a content mind.

The brain as a purely physical organ translates our mind’s activity. The mind itself is made of a mind matter, a sort of matter that is paradoxically immaterial, eternal, and endless.

A famous inventor Nikola Tesla said (accidentally, I live now in the city of Karlovac, Croatia where he went to high school and I have a chance to walk the streets where he walked during his high school in the Austro-Hungarian Empire):

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

In this sentence, he proposed a combination of physical or electrical vibrations, their number of oscillations per second, and the amount of given power.

Our brain is an electrochemical device whose amount of energy and oscillation frequency can be changed with our intention, nourishment, and practice. Some of the most important practices to change our brain activity are walking in nature and parks, stretching, deeper breathing, and meditation.

Meditation activates more subtle frequencies of the physical brain that connect us to its higher manifestation, the immaterial mind, and this mind extends to all directions of the Universe.

In the sphere of this, subtle mind, thoughts are like the flow of radio or cell phone signals or like gravitational waves, unstoppable, all-penetrating, and endless. Knowing that we have around 50,000 thoughts daily, this mind space must be crowded. However, regular daily thoughts are more like the buzz of bees or passing clouds in the sky. They have unstable frequency and low energy and have no power of influence, being constantly canceled by similar waves of opposite directions, or as we would say different views and opinions, even in our heads.

Following Mr. Tesla’s thought, to go towards its creation, manifestation, or materialization, concrete thought should be focused, and charged with high energy, frequency, and vibration over a longer time. The more energy we use the shorter time needed for a thought to materialize.

Was Einstein right about unified fields?

Interestingly, according to modern discoveries in physics, forces are not transmitted directly between a certain object in interaction but are translated by a medium called fields. The most common of these fields is electromagnetic where, for example, energy from a battery to a bulb attached to a wire is not coming through the wire but through the electromagnetic field around it.

Unified field is a term coined by Albert Einstein who attempted to unify his general theory of relativity with electromagnetism.

At present the explanation found in the Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, the unified field theory is described as a theoretical framework in physics that aims to unify the fundamental forces of nature, such as electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and gravity, into a single, comprehensive field.

What has this to do with meditation and sales? Before going there, let me share another thought about the intention of existence.

Four levels of intention

We humans are first emotional and then thinking beings, and the intention behind our thoughts should be in sync with our emotions, bringing them to life. I would say that there are four types of intention:

  1. First would be the intention of Nature, self-producing laws of nature which nourish the planet over billions of years and create a unified field based on the physical laws described above.
  2. Second would be the intention of our personal, thoughts and emotions-based self, let's say ego. This intention can be translated as desire and individual will.
  3. Third, the intention is the one that comes from a thoughtless brain, our true heart, and an inner bigger vision of life, our higher self. It is our Over-Soul as described by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which sees the bigger picture and knows its purpose for personal life, takes responsibility for his actions, and acts out of this purpose. It understands broader circumstances in the light of causes and effects and has access to some sort of Over-Soul field.
  4. The fourth intention is of the spiritual Will, Love, and Wisdom of Creation as a whole — which contains a possible existence of a divine field.

Intention of Nature

Knowing the first, intention of Nature gives us an understanding of underlying laws and principles of function of the material world and brings us messages that are related to our evolution on this plane. Native cultures on the soil of the Americas and Canada were coming in touch with the laws of Nature through physical challenges of vision quest, rhythm, and dances like Sun Dance and Temazcal — sweat lodge of indigenous people of Mesoamerica where steam is done with water poured over heated volcanic stones which were put in the hole in the middle of the sweat lodge. With moderate usage of magic mushrooms which might contain psilocybin and other sacred plants poured on the stones, sacred songs, with the rhythm of drums and shakers and extreme heat, a state of mind would be changed and direct communication with the spirit of Nature would be established.

Coming in touch with the intention of Nature brings inner vision, a deeper understanding of relationships to other people and groups and might lead to precognitions, an understanding of what the future brings. In a sense, this is an ancient technology, not like ours based on computing but one immersed in the multi-dimensional secrets of Nature. Walking in nature, swimming in rivers, lakes, and seas, and hiking hills and mountain trails bring us closer to the intention of Nature which is healing, harmonizing, and alkalizing.

A more mechanical way to access this level of intention would be through physical control of our brain through chip implants.

Intention of personality

On the level of second intention, we are limited to our ego power and when this is drained it is hard to materialize and accomplish our goals, and we need constant outer support. It is the field where so many distractions come and the place where parallel worlds are created in our minds. Layers of reactions based on past experiences. Automation is very present here and inability to see the whole picture. Here we are more consumers than creators and creations on this level could be an expression of our subconscious impulses which are not always grounded in harmonious lines, forms, and colors.

On this level of intention, it is important to preserve, gather, and focus our energy with a fire of desire for quick accomplishment, in his book “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill as The Tenth Step Toward Riches mentions:

“When harnessed (sex desire), and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.”

Mr. Nikola Tesla with over 700 inventions was a living example of such transmutation of primal into the creative energy of imagination and practical application. Today’s cell phones, electric cars, a system of electrical networks, and even the speedometer in your car came through his effort to focus his mind’s energy.

Intention of Over-Soul

As I said the third level of intention is the one that comes from a thoughtless brain or higher self. This level is possible to reach through meditation practice. Also, the idea of Over-Soul as described by Ralph Waldo Emerson, would be the essence of all individual souls, the ONE which sees the bigger picture and knows its purpose for personal life, takes responsibility for his actions, and acts out of this purpose.

As Emerson said: “Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE. And this deep power in which we exist, and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one. We see the world by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole of life, of which these are the shining parts, is the soul.”

Being in touch with the third level of intention, the intention of the heart, higher self, and life purpose, direct access to a personal unified field is granted. On this level whatever we do is connected to the so-called Kalpa tree a mythical tree of the Indian subcontinent that is said to grant wishes and give blessings to those who seek its shade, a shade of Over-Soul. It is often depicted as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and happiness. In Buddhist mythology, the Kalpa tree is also associated with the idea of enlightenment, and spiritual liberation.

Divine Intention

The fourth intention on the level of spiritual Will, Love, and Wisdom of Creation as a whole is the divine unified field, infinite in size, paradoxically exists, and does not exist at the same time and is beyond time. The concept of here and now would be a direct expression of that level of intention. Whatever needs to happen here already happened and is at the same time unfolding into infinity and is complete as it is. The closest term that describes this level of intention would be the concept of nirvana — extinction or disappearance of the individual mind to the universal with peaceful equanimity and serenity towards everything that is and is not.

Sales and the Field

So coming to a full circle (why, o why did I get myself into all this complicated explanation) let us come back to our software sales Team, back in beautiful Croatia. Once we get relaxed with progressive body relaxation and make our breathing deeper I introduced them to the following meditation created by Jayme Allen for the improvement of sales. Feel free to relax and get the benefits of this meditation.

First, write down your sales goals for this quarter.

Your goals can be the actual number of sales or how many leads would you like to generate. Just spend a minute or so listing all your goals. Once you have the list, without too much thinking, mark one goal you would like to focus on.

Now find your comfortable position.

Close your eyes, and feel how the ground is supporting your body.

Take a deep breath in and exhale fully.

Just be here and now and allow your body to fully relax.

Reflect on three questions:

1. How do you feel when you start your workday?

2. How do you feel when you talk to a prospective client?

3. How do you feel when you end your workday?

Take a deep breath in and exhale fully.

You just spend time reflecting on how you feel about your workplace. You will have a chance to reflect on these questions from a different angle.

Take a deep breath in and imagine a color yellow flowing from your feet up your body into the crown of your head. Take a deep breath out and imagine you are surrounded by an energetic warm glow.

How would it feel to start your day with heartful courage?

How would it feel to begin your day with absolute trust that by putting in the work you get results?

Take a deep breath in and imagine a color red from your feet up your body into the crown of your head. Take a deep breath out and imagine you are surrounded by an energetic warm glow.

How would you feel to send the energy of love to every of your prospective clients.

How would it feel to summon love for yourself before every interaction with a client you might have?

Take a deep breath in and imagine a color blue flows from your feet up your body into the crown of your head. Take a deep breath out and imagine you are surrounded by a calm cool energy.

How would it feel to end every work day with sincere gratitude?

How would it feel to reach a specific goal for the week?

You are breeding with stamina, determination, and focus. When you remember this you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Take a deep breath in and exhale fully.

Take a deep breath in and exhale fully.

Take a deep breath in, exhale fully.

You can bring back small movements into the body.

This week summon courage to start your day, infuse love in all your interactions, and end each day with gratitude. Trust the process and see what you are capable of.

You can experience this meditation through the voice of the Author herself here.

Thank you Jayme Allen for allowing me to publish a slightly modified transcript of your meditation in this article.

The last (Cosmic) thought

The newest theory of the universe talks about the expansion and contraction of the universe, starting with a Big Bang, expanding, and then coming back to one point, to start another Big Bang. In this process, stars and galaxies are being pushed away during expansion and probably the same during contraction by some invisible force called Dark Matter, which constitutes 80% of the Universe. Interestingly, in the Indian holy script Veda they say that the duration of the universe is 100 Brahma years, which would be the duration of of one breathing in and out of Maha-Visnu, roughly 311 trillion 40 billion human years. Do not ask me how they found that out, someone has probably whispered that knowledge into the ears of ancient rishis — wise people of pre-Vedic times.

Sales happen

It is the same with the sales process., To present and offer we have to prepare, learn, gather energy, and raise vibration. It is a breathing-like process, otherwise, we go to burnout. And then sales happen.

If you like to read my other article or learn the practice of Oversouler Meditation visit my website:


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